"Of all the formidable things that go around the world, the most formidable is undoubtedly man," said the great Greek playwright Sophocles in Antigone, one of his peak works. I certainly share his opinion, but what is man? An animal? A rational animal? A God? A demigod? A programmable automaton? The bridge between an animal and something superior to him? I think it can be all those things. In this post we will see the animal and automaton part of man.

That we are animals there is no doubt; there is nothing more to go to the zoo, to the jungle or spend an afternoon watching documentaries to realize that although man is a "civilized" being, he shares many animal features, specifically what we call instincts .
There are three basic instincts inherent in every animal (including of course the human race):

1- The life conservation instinct: That innate mechanism that alerts us to dangers and urges us in fractions of a second to safeguard our physical integrity at all costs. Even the most depressed and disabled person will try to save his life, without even questioning it, if he is in a mall and someone shouts: "Fire!"
2- The instinct for the preservation of life: What is the difference with the previous one ?, you can think many. Simple:
- Why do you eat? (three times a day the most fortunate)
-Oh Gopal, what a question! Because we are hungry.
-Obviously ... But what makes you hungry? The preservation instinct of life.
Life must be preserved and that is why we feed ourselves (and if it is in abundance better, lest tomorrow we lack food and we have to pull fat); we must also ensure nighttime sleep as well as inclement weather.
Food, clothing and shelter ... That is what urges us to achieve the preservation instinct. Is there any animal that does not eat? Apart from the unfortunates who have nothing to put in their mouths, there is one: the Idealist Homo , the one capable of making a hunger strike, putting their basic instincts before their ideals.
-And those who fast or diet?
-What about those?
- They do not also put in front of their instincts?
- Bearing in mind that 90% of fasts are of a religious nature (that is, something imposed; something programmed in the memory of Homo Automata) and that 90% of those who diet are for being more handsome (here it enters action the third basic instinct that we will now see), I fear that only a few of them are also Homo idealists.
-Ah ...!
3-The procreation instinct: This is the bastard strong! This moves the world. This is so powerful and subtle that we don't even realize it. It is so decisive that it pushes us like an 8-cylinder engine in V for life. Perpetuate the species is one of the top priorities, if not the fundamental objective of all animals. Don't you believe me Watch more documentaries. Thus, everything we do in life is guided consciously or unconsciously by this animal instinct. Most advertising strategies are aimed at this instinct. Why do we go to the gym, take care of ourselves, try to have more status, the biggest car, and a long etc.? This instinct is largely responsible.
Now, we are human, right? And what do humans have that animals don't possess? Intelligence no? And emotions too. More emotions than intelligence I would say.
-Well, where do the basic or primary emotions come from ? (If I put it to egg ...)
-Of the brain?
- Pussy of the basic instincts!
What produces the life conservation instinct? Fear The water is clearer (pure of the mountains; lest some funny tell me that the tap is not so clear). Fear is our greatest friend, and that of all animals. No one has saved more lives in all history than fear.
What produces the life preservation instinct? The ambition What does it take to get food, clothes and shelter? Money , the more money the better. Does this sound to you? What moves the world? The ambition or the desire to make money.
-I'm not ambitious ... I settle for little; I am also anti-capitalist.
Plassss, all over your mouth! (By liar)
What moves us to choose some studies, a profession, a trade? Why do we get out of bed when the alarm rings at six in the morning to go to work? What moves us to mortgage our lives, to buy a bigger car, to fill the shopping cart to the bars, to buy us the collection of spring, summer, autumn, winter ... and spring clothes (by the way very good movie, I recommend it if you have not seen it) and get on the train of sickly consumerism: Yes, ambition; And what is behind the ambition? The instinct of preservation.
What produces the procreation instinct? Sexuality That set of emotions, desires and passions that practically mark the course of our life. Almost everything we do in life aims to satisfy that sexuality (sex, tenderness, affection, love ... Whatever you want to call it).
-What does a teenager want most?
-Without any doubt, fuck at all.
-What does an adult want most?
-Follar also, but hey, we will say that love ... Being loved and loving ... If for this I have to crush myself 8 hours a week in the gym, make a career and achieve an executive position or shave my eyebrows, I do it without doubt, because, what is life without love?
-What does an elder most desire?
-Affection, tenderness ... A calm and carefree old age. (Fuck no, because he can't anymore, but he would like to.)
I insist, what moves the world? Sex Mmmm... I meant the basic instincts .
Why have I titled this post with the name of «Homo automaton»? Because it is. It's that resounding. Man is a robot, a machine, an automaton programmed with three simple instructions, which generate three basic emotions and a conditioned mind and oriented to the achievement of the attainment or appeasement of such instincts and emotions.
I have also spoken of another species: the idealistic Homo. I will talk more about him in another post; Just say that there are few, very few ... They are known as goats outside the flock.

-And Yoga? What does Yoga have to do with all this? Isn't this a Yoga blog? Fuck Gopal, it seems you are talking about everything but Yoga!
-I always talk about Yoga, dear Grasshopper. The goal of Yoga is to deprogram the mind of automata and set them free . We have instincts, yes; emotions, yes; But we also have intelligence and will. Yoga is alchemy that transmutes the animal into human.
Aimar Rollán (Gopal)
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