My book LEARN HOW TO MEDITATE (8 weeks plan), available in English.

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Aimar Rollan's book about meditation

In this short book you will learn to meditate from scratch, in your own home, sitting in a chair.

We will learn the basic theory and some simple but deep meditation techniques, based on mindfulness, yoga and Zen.

We will consolidate the habit through an 8-week program, specially designed to encourage in us the habit of meditating every day in a corner of our house.

Prior knowledge is not necessary, nor can you sit cross-legged, or be religious or a lover of oriental traditions. Meditation is a universal technique that will help us control our mind, reduce stress and get to know ourselves better.We will start by meditating one minute a day and at the end of the 8 weeks we will be able to meditate 20 minutes in a row. The idea is that meditation will be a part of our daily routine so that it can help us lead a fuller and happier life.

What will you learn with this book?

- What is meditation?

- History of meditation.

- Differences between meditation and mindfulness.

- The importance of habit and routine.

- How the mind works.

- How to sit correctly in a chair to meditate.

- The abdominal breathing technique.

- Basic meditation techniques.

- What feelings can we have during meditation.

- How to progress properly.

"All the misfortunes of man derive from the fact that he is not able to sit quietly, alone, in a room." Blaise Pascal


Best-seller in Spain in its category.

Aimar Rollan (Gopal)

Cycling as a complement to yoga at home

Cycling is the ideal complement for yoga at home, as it allows us to do aerobic work and train our cardiovascular system.

We have already said on several occasions that while yoga is an excellent physical exercise, it may have certain deficiencies in cardiovascular training. For this reason, an exercise bike is an excellent investment if we want to get in shape without leaving home.
Cycling and yoga
We understand as cardiovascular work all that exercise that keeps our heart beating at 60% - 70% of its maximum frequency (HRmax), for a duration of between 20 and 60 minutes.
Aerobic cardiovascular work serves to:

  • Strengthen the heart
  • Capillarize the muscles and get more blood and oxygen throughout the body.
  • Increase metabolism and burn fat.
  • Release of endorphins (wellness hormones).

Surely there are many more benefits, but only with the aforementioned, it is more than enough reason to do a little cardio.

How do we train?

One of the biggest obstacles to exercise is laziness , so if we have the bicycle "at hand", in some room of our house, we just have to get on it and start pedaling. We can do 2 or 3 weekly sessions of a minimum duration of 20 minutes ( ideally 40 minutes ).

To be more enjoyable and productive, we can pedal while listening to a podcast or if we have the bike in front of a television, watch a documentary. In this way, in addition to exercising the body, we also cultivate a bit . Of course you can also listen to music if that encourages and motivates you more.

An advantage is that most modern exercise bikes have heart rate monitors installed in the handlebar , in the form of metal plates, which only by putting our two hands on top allows us to know our pulsations per minute This is very useful to keep the cadence and rhythm inside of an aerobic frequency.


The first thing we have to know is our FCmax ( maximum heart rate ). A simple formula to calculate it is as follows:

FCmax = 220 - age

There are more complex formulas that take weight and fitness into account, but as a reference, with the above formula we can obtain a fairly accurate estimate.

For example, a 35-year-old person will have an HRmax of 185 beats per minute.

60% for her will be 111 ppm and 70% will be 130 ppm. Knowing this, we can do bicycle routines in which our heart stays between approximately 110 and 130 ppm.

It is important that everyone calculate their FCmax and their FC60% and FC70%, so that they know what the intensity of their exercise should be.

That is the ideal range for aerobic exercise, and contrary to what you think, more intensity is not synonymous with more effective work. The duration of the exercise is also important, less than 20 minutes will hardly have an impact on the body.

If you are in a very low form, do not be surprised that your pulsations are triggered before the minimum effort, in that case you will have to pedal very softly until your heart is gradually trained.

Before or after a yoga session?

Ideally, do it before, and then yoga will help you stretch and relax, although you can do isolated cardio sessions.

From here I encourage you and I recommend that you add this plus to your life, and do not consider the purchase of an exercise cycling as an expense, but as an investment in your health.


What is spirituality?

What does spirituality mean? Do you consider yourself spiritual? Let's try to clarify this concept.
Spirituality derives from "spirit." The spirit is something immaterial that cannot be perceived through the physical senses. The spirit is "the principle of life" that dwells in the deepest part of ourselves, our purest essence. A spiritual person is one in whom these immaterial and transcendental concepts have a certain weight in their life, and to some extent, they govern the course of their steps.
What is spirituality?
The counterpoint of spirituality is materialism , in the sense that there is only and is valid what can be perceived with the physical senses . Modern Science is the champion of materialism, and today, many people are materialistic because Science has an extraordinary weight and authority in our society. It is not necessary to fall into the error of considering the materialist in the popular context of "a person with a closed mind and attached to material objects", that is a very vain definition. Materialism is very good, as this allows us to discover and dominate the material world.
For centuries, the word "spirituality" was not used as such, since almost everyone was religious, and this should be clarified: religiosity is not the same as spirituality . Religiosity implies a belief in the postulates and dogmas of the religion that one follows. Spirituality entails an inner experience about oneself.

You can be religious and spiritual, but you can also be spiritual without being religious.

  • Being spiritual does not imply believing in gods, dogmas or doctrines.
  • Being spiritual does not imply practicing yoga, meditation, reiki or any other New Age stream.
  • Being spiritual does not imply being vegetarian, nor pacifist, nor being in favor of animal rights.
  • Being spiritual does not imply being dressed in white, speaking slowly and greeting with your palms together saying " namaste ."
Being spiritual means that we spend a few minutes a day to look inward and disconnect from matter to reach communion with ourselves . Little by little, as we look inwards, we reach an intuitive conclusion that we are more than matter, that there is something else ... An underlying, silent, eternal spirit that reigns in the sancta sanctorum of the deepest of ourselves.
Then we open our eyes and return to being chained to matter and subject to its laws , but if anything, we act in a subtly different way, since we recognize that we are spiritual beings in essence, who have had to live this experience called « life human ». This experience makes us more ethical and moral (in most cases), but not because of following certain rules or because of fear of reprisals, but because such dictates arise from our hearts before the understanding that others and the world are a prolongation from ourselves.
Spirituality is everyone's business, and it doesn't have to be noticed , at least externally. If it shows a lot, if we draw attention with extravagant outfits and gestures ..., we may not be as spiritual as we believe.
Symbolically, the spirit is related to the circumference or the sphere (the most perfect geometric figures). Matter is symbolized by the number 4, the square or the cross . Man is a crucified spirit in matter, that is his symbol.
Símbolo del hombre

The spiritual being, the initiate, is the one who tries to free himself from his chains . However, this process is long and arduous, and we must know how to reconcile the spiritual with the material. We have to value, enjoy and enjoy everything material; we have to be happy in this physical plane and, as far as possible, improve this world, making it more beautiful, good and fair. All this, of course, without forgetting to spend a few minutes a day, just a few minutes, to look inside.
