Yoga can be practiced by anyone regardless of age, sex, race, physical, psychological or social condition. As long as the interest in practicing it arises in oneself and is not something imposed.
Practicing Yoga is not an obligation, but an act of conscious will.
However, to start an authentic Yoga practice, a requirement is required: to have developed a certain natural moral.
According to Patanjali, the great synthesizer of Yoga techniques, the practice begins on the first ascension step on the 8-step ladder ( asthanga ), which is called Yama (natural moral), and ends in Samadhi (illumination).
Asthanga Yoga :
- Yama.
- Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratiahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi

The Yama is made up of five points:
1. Ahimsa: Do not harm ourselves, or other living beings; unless strictly necessary.
2. Satya: Be truthful, authentic. Do not fool others, much less ourselves.
3. Asteya: Do not steal. Do not betray the trust placed in us by appropriating the alien.
4. Bramhacharya: Moderation. Do not abuse anything, always looking for the right middle ground; the equilibrium.
5. Aparigraha: Do not covet. Seek the simplicity of life and not pretend to rise above our peers.
With these ingredients in our luggage, we are more than ready to venture into the fascinating adventure of Yoga, which is none other than the adventure of Life.
Aimar Rollan (Gopal)
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