What does spirituality mean? Do you consider yourself spiritual? Let's try to clarify this concept.
Spirituality derives from "spirit." The spirit is something immaterial that cannot be perceived through the physical senses. The spirit is "the principle of life" that dwells in the deepest part of ourselves, our purest essence. A spiritual person is one in whom these immaterial and transcendental concepts have a certain weight in their life, and to some extent, they govern the course of their steps.
The counterpoint of spirituality is materialism , in the sense that there is only and is valid what can be perceived with the physical senses . Modern Science is the champion of materialism, and today, many people are materialistic because Science has an extraordinary weight and authority in our society. It is not necessary to fall into the error of considering the materialist in the popular context of "a person with a closed mind and attached to material objects", that is a very vain definition. Materialism is very good, as this allows us to discover and dominate the material world.
For centuries, the word "spirituality" was not used as such, since almost everyone was religious, and this should be clarified: religiosity is not the same as spirituality . Religiosity implies a belief in the postulates and dogmas of the religion that one follows. Spirituality entails an inner experience about oneself.
You can be religious and spiritual, but you can also be spiritual without being religious.
Being spiritual does not imply believing in gods, dogmas or doctrines.
Being spiritual does not imply practicing yoga, meditation, reiki or any other New Age stream.
Being spiritual does not imply being vegetarian, nor pacifist, nor being in favor of animal rights.
Being spiritual does not imply being dressed in white, speaking slowly and greeting with your palms together saying " namaste ."
Being spiritual means that we spend a few minutes a day to look inward and disconnect from matter to reach communion with ourselves . Little by little, as we look inwards, we reach an intuitive conclusion that we are more than matter, that there is something else ... An underlying, silent, eternal spirit that reigns in the sancta sanctorum of the deepest of ourselves.
Then we open our eyes and return to being chained to matter and subject to its laws , but if anything, we act in a subtly different way, since we recognize that we are spiritual beings in essence, who have had to live this experience called « life human ». This experience makes us more ethical and moral (in most cases), but not because of following certain rules or because of fear of reprisals, but because such dictates arise from our hearts before the understanding that others and the world are a prolongation from ourselves.
Spirituality is everyone's business, and it doesn't have to be noticed , at least externally. If it shows a lot, if we draw attention with extravagant outfits and gestures ..., we may not be as spiritual as we believe.
Symbolically, the spirit is related to the circumference or the sphere (the most perfect geometric figures). Matter is symbolized by the number 4, the square or the cross . Man is a crucified spirit in matter, that is his symbol.
The spiritual being, the initiate, is the one who tries to free himself from his chains . However, this process is long and arduous, and we must know how to reconcile the spiritual with the material. We have to value, enjoy and enjoy everything material; we have to be happy in this physical plane and, as far as possible, improve this world, making it more beautiful, good and fair. All this, of course, without forgetting to spend a few minutes a day, just a few minutes, to look inside.
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