In yoga, like most things in life, the key to success lies in routines. It's easy to start practicing, but success lies in the acquisition of routines easy to follow. It is best little work continued over time than long sessions with little continuity.
Explanation video of the routine
The routines are the key because they generate habits, and once an habit is generated, we have advanced a lot in the way. Habits are indicators of success.
It is said that something should be repeated at least 21 days for a physiological change in us, to ensure that sufficient neural networks are built in the brain that allow the implementation of a new habit in our lives. How many times have you started something without finishing? How many times have you started a diet, an activity, a book, a sport...? Have you achieved success? Well, now you know, at least 21 days of continuous work, and do not forget to get affordable routines; if they are too difficult is probable to give up. This same philosophy is what characterizes the "Kaizen Method".
Let's start with a simple but effective yoga routine which will take 3 to 5 minutes. We will do in the morning, just when we get up.
Most of us slept in a closed room a minimum of 6 hours daily. This causes three things: poor oxygenation (because the room fills with carbon dioxide), muscle stiffness (due to the immobility of the night's rest), deactivation of the digestive tract and slight dehydration (because we have not eaten and drunk anything overnight). Well, of course we have to solve this: oxygenate, activate muscles (especially the back, which is what suffers most) and hydrate a little.
1. We get up, do our needs, wash our face and opened a window. We look out and joyfully do a few broad and deep breaths through the nose, in order to oxygenate blood. We also welcome the day and we feel grateful to stay alive one more day.
2. Stretch our back doing this exercise, I call it "the great stretch back." It's simple: We open the legs wide shoulders and a half, with bended legs, arms and hands relaxed and loose head forward.
Important: Use the force of gravity only, not force or give rebounds. The body is stiff in the morning and should be treated gently. Release your entire body, especially the neck. Do soft diaphragmatic breaths and pay attention to the spine. If you concentrate, you can feel the stretch of the entire back, from the coccyx to the neck. Relax, release well without forcing. We maintain the posture 1-3 minutes. When finished, slowly undo posture, with chin tucked and ample breathing. Once upright, we turns our head a few times in each direction, slowly, consciously.
3. We drink a glass of natural water. So, we activate the digestive, purify and hydrate a bit.
And that's it... See how easy is this routine! From here you continue with your daily activities. You don't have time? Just get up five minutes earlier.
How long do I have to practice this? Every day of your life, even if you forget one, nothing happens. If you acquire the habit, you can replace it with other longer routines.
Try it for 21 days and then tell me...
Don't underestimate the simplicity of this routine. Small steps for great results over time... That's the key.
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