CHATURANGA DANDASANA to strengthen arms

Chaturanga dandasana is a technique to strengthen arms, chest and core. You can do it static or dynamic (yogic push ups).

Chaturanga means "four members" and danda means "stick". We remain as a horizontal stick supported at 4 points (2 hands and 2 feet). It's a hard stance, but gives great strength.


We get in horizontal, as if we were to do a push up, with the toes flat on the floor and hands at shoulder width.

Chaturanga dandasana

Inhale and slowly down while exhaling. Keep elbows close to the body and look forward. When we get at half height, we keep static posture as long as we can, breathing normally.

Yogic push ups

Important: Maintain the body taut and straight as a stick (abdominal work), don't support the knees on the floor nor separate elbows from the body.

At the beginning it will cost hold the pose a few seconds, but with practice will enhance our stay and our strength.

Dynamic exercise: Yogic push ups

We can do this exercise dynamically, which we will keep in shape. You can do several sets of 4, 6, 8 or 10 repetitions. Always slowly and coordinated with breathing, as shown in the video. 

Other uses

You can apply the chaturanga dandasana during the Sun Salutation, in the position nº 6, to give more intensity.


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