ABS ROUTINE (10 minutes)

Here is a very simple routine to strengthen the core and lower back, from a yogic perspective.

Is very important to work this area, not only for aesthetic reasons (flat abdomen, six pack abs), but also and especially for health reasons. Lower back and abdomen keep the spine straight and are the source of our locomotive action. 

Abs routine 10 minutes

There is one thing that many people do not know: that many backaches are caused by lack of tone in the abdomen, for lack of a strong core.

Lower back and abdomen are joined, and it is always recommended to work those two areas at the same session.

This routine consists of two abdominal exercises and other two exercises for the lower back. It will take us about 10 minutes. All the time maintain a yogic attitude (conscious awareness of body and mind).


- Static planks. This is an exceptional exercise to work and strengthen the core, abdomen, buttocks and shoulders.

static plank

Do 2 to 3 times holding on what you can without reaching your limits and resting 30 to 60 seconds between sets.

- Half boat pose (ardha navasana).

half boat pose

Do 2 to 3 times holding on what you can without reaching your limits and resting 30 to 60 seconds between sets.

- Bridge pose (setu bhandasana). Great exercise for the lower back. We'll do it in its three variants and in this order.

  •     Dynamic: Accompanied with breathing. As you inhale ups, as you exhale down.
dynamic bridge pose
  •     Static: We maintain the pose what we can without forcing. Do large breaths.
static bridge pose
  •    With each leg: This exercise is more demanding, but also works buttocks and legs. Hold the pose a few seconds on each leg. 

each leg bridge pose yoga

- Snake pose (sarpasana). Strengthens the lower back muscles.

snake pose

We will do it 7 times, coordinated with breathing. As you inhale get up, hold the air up and as you exhale down.

Here are 2 instructional videos with the details of each exercise. *Are in Spanish, but with english subtitles, remember to activate on YouTube.

Part 1: abs

Part 2: lower back

Important details:

- The ideal is to do this workout 2 times per week.

- There are many more yoga exercises to work abs and lower back, but for now we will practice these ones.

- Remember that we are doing yoga. Don't compete, don't force too much, keep controlled your breathing and focused your mind.

- If you feel discomfort with one exercise, stop, and if the pain persists, see your doctor or a specialist.

- These exercises can cause muscle soreness at first if you are not trained, it is normal, but with a few practice sessions, you will go improving your fitness.

- Success is in the habit and continued work on time, so practice, practice, practice…

- This routine can be done in isolation, or combined into a longer session of yoga if you have more time.

Finally, don't deceive yourselves, these exercises will not give you a flat stomach, or six pack abs or a bodybuilder or fitness instructor body. These exercises will strengthen and tone the muscles of your core (which is a lot). To get six pack abs you need another training routines, based primarily on a change of diet and lose of belly fat.

Happy practice!
